Wish List

Shop and Save Lives
Your donation makes a difference!

The Sioux Falls Area Humane Society is 100% community-funded.

Please mail or drop off any donations at SFAHS
3720 East Benson Road Sioux Falls, SD 57104 

All donations to the Humane Society are tax-deductible; please ask for a tax receipt when dropping off donations.

Food Used At The Shelter
Have food you want to donate that is a different brand? We accept all kinds of food for our community pet food bank!

Purchase  Cat Chow  Purchase Kitten Chow  Purchase Dog Chow Purchase Puppy Chow 


Kuranda Beds

Kuranda Beds provide a comfortable, elevated sleep area for our cats! Quality sleep reduces stress which keeps animals healthy and feeling good.

order a Kuranda Bed Here

**The above links are occasionally switched out based on availability. Any purchases made and any content shown on the linked pages may not reflect the views or opinions of the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society.

Wish List FAQ
Can I donate cans of wet food?
Yes! However, we prefer Hills Science Diet dry kibble as wet food is not used as often in our shelter.
I have an open bag of dog or cat food. Will you still take it?
Yes! We do ask that the food is kept in  its original bag and is taped or resealed.
What do you not accept?
SFAHS does not accept the following donations.
  • Bed Pillows
  • Couch Pillows
  • Decorative Pillows
  • Bed Sheets
  • Pillow Cases
  • Comforters
  • Recliners or Chairs
Please donate items like these to The Bishop Dudley House, St. Francis, Children's Inn or other community outreach or refuge programs.

We also do not accept
  • Old meat, frozen or unfrozen
  • Shredded Paper
I want to make some DIY toys or treats. What is acceptable?
If you make any homemade treats, a list of all ingredients must be included. 
Homemade toys should be durable, hold up in the wash, and not include anything hazardous to pets. 

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