Become a Volunteer


Each year hundreds of volunteers with a wide variety of backgrounds give hands-on care to animals and help raise much-needed funds.  Volunteers contribute to improving the lives of our rescued animals and create a better future for all animals in need.

  •  Required to commit to at least 6 months of service.
  •  Required to commit to a minimum of 4 hours per month.  
  • Required to complete Information session,  Application, Hands-on Training, and the Introduction To Enrichment Classes. 
  • Most roles require volunteers to lift and carry  a minimum of 10 pounds up to 100 Pounds, reach and lift, and possess vision abilities. 
  •  Provide enrichment for the animals! We do training, play games, and provide fun to enrich and make the shelter less scary. 


This group class will include a tour and overview of the general expectations of being a SFAHS volunteer, to make sure that volunteering is the right fit for you! You can expect this informational session to last about 1 hour and is open for anyone to join! No need to RSVP,  You just have to show up!

Upcoming  Information Session
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. We currently are focusing on training the newly added volunteers and doing ongoing education with our established volunteers. We will be taking a break from onboarding new volunteers for a couple of months.  We hope you will join us in the future! 

Next Session: 

 Due to how much information is covered, attendees must be on-time.

You will be sent an  application after you have attended an Information Session. Volunteer applications are submitted online and must be filled out thoughtfully and in its entirety to be considered.  Due to the high volume of applications we get, not all applications will be accepted.  Please allow 4-7 business days for approval.  If you are approved, you will be contacted via email to set up a time to do training . We receive many applications  and will process as quickly as we can. If you have not heard back about your application after 10 days , please reach out. 

You must complete  Hands-on Training, and  Basic Enrichment  to be considered a registered volunteer.  Hands-on training will include demonstrations on animal handling and safety guidelines.  Basic Enrichment covers  games and enrichment activities you can do with the animals.

SFAHS has different enrichment classes meant to help reduce stress, train, and help with handling. Volunteers will be able to sign up for various classes to earn Badges. These Badges allow volunteers to handle different levels of animals. There will always be opportunities to learn new games and handling techniques.

Welcome to the SFAHS Volunteer Program! We want all volunteers to be successful in their volunteer journey, if you feel like you need more instruction, please connect with your trainers! 

 It is our goal that every pet in the shelter gets a minimum of 20 minutes of human contact daily. Studies have shown that 20 minutes of human contact daily decreases anxiety, which can cut down stress-related illnesses and make them 'show' better to potential adopters.

Your help in the shelter makes a world of difference for the animals. Click each section below for more information on the assignments. 

Shelter Crew
Help with all aspects of the shelter including cleaning, giving out toys and treats, laundry, washing of dishes and litter boxes, and more.  These volunteers do not handle any animals, but help us keep the shelter clean!
You can help with trail maintenance, mowing, weed picking, poop clean up, cleaning windows, and general Handy-Man jobs! 
Dog Walking

Dog walkers come to the shelter starting at 7am and help our kennel staff take each dog out for Potty breaks and enrichment training. 

Morning breaks are usually between 7am- 10am  as kennel staff is cleaning and the animals are getting breakfast. Afternoon breaks  is 12pm-3pm, and Evening Breaks are 3 pm-6pm.  Dog walkers are welcome to come at anytime to help with breaks. 

You will be trained to walk the dogs in a specific way, that every volunteer and staff member is taught for consistency and to help with training. Please be aware that most of the dogs at SFAHS are medium to large sized dogs, you must be physically able to walk dogs that may jump, pull, be new to leashes, or timid.

Volunteers that complete more levels of Enrichment Training will be able to walk different levels of dogs.

For example, volunteers that have completed: 

Basic hands on training + Green level enrichment are " Green level  
volunteers", They can only walk dogs with the Green Dot on their cards. 

Orange level volunteers have completed more training, therefore can walk dogs that are harder to handle, the Orange-Dot dogs along with the easier Green Dot Dogs. 

 Blue level volunteers are the most advanced, so they may walk orange, green and may be assigned to work with fearful, hard to walk,  or behavior modification dogs. 

Critter Cuddlers
Work with the small animals so they stay socialized while at the shelter. Small Animals include:  Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Rats, Mice, Hamsters, Birds, Lizards, Snakes, Reptiles, and MORE. It is required that you have experience with the breed of animal before interacting.
Cat Socialization
Work with the cats so they stay socialized while at the shelter. 

Basic hands on training + Green level enrichment are " Green level  volunteers",  These volunteers can handle most cats in Cat adopt

Orange level volunteers have completed more training, therefore can handle and do training with cats that are harder to handle, You also get an inside look into cat personalities.  

 Blue level volunteers are the most advanced,  These volunteer can help the front office matchmaking with adopters!  
Event Hopper
You will help with event preparations including mailings, donations, errands and distribution of marketing materials. Any volunteer can sign up to help at events!
Shelter Ambassadors**
Ambassadors are volunteers who help us at our public events, or outings when a staff member is not available.  You are representatives of the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society. It is required that you know basic facts about the shelter, are reliable and have a positive attitude.  These volunteers must complete Tour Guide Training,  and volunteer at SFAHS events. If the volunteer wishes to take a dog out of the shelter for enrichment they must complete Blue Level ( Most Advanced) Training.
Bath Buddies**
Are you a groomer that wishes to donate your time?  We are interested! 

open all

(**These positions may require extra training sessions)

  •  We do not offer court-ordered or diversion program volunteering, due to liability conflicts.
    • Includes ordered, recommended, or required by a parole officer, judge, teen court, lawyer,  halfway housing, juvenile detention center, work placement programs, etc
  • We are not able to accommodate one-time or short-term volunteering for individuals. Please check out our Service Groups Page for one-time group volunteering!
  • SFAHS is a busy working environment, where pet allergens, cleaning agents and high noise levels exist.
    • Critters may jump on you, leave muddy paw prints, and could scratch or bite. Although not all jobs require hands-on involvement with shelter animals, you will almost certainly be working near dogs, cats, and other small animals.  Volunteering is not recommended if you have animal allergies.