Host a Fundraiser

We love when organizations or corporations host  fundraising events for us in support of our mission!

Check out our fundraiser toolkit, to help you have a successful event and give you a few ideas.
Fundraiser Toolkit

Submit an Event Request


The Sioux Falls Area Humane Society is committed first and foremost to the health and well-being of the animals in our care. We are fortunate enough to have an amazing adoption center,  providing our animals a warm, comfortable and relaxed environment to find their new family. As an adoption shelter and resource in our community, we rarely bring pets for adoption to off-site events and cannot do adoptions outside the shelter. If you have a proposal for an event that is more than 4-6 weeks in the future, please submit an Event Request Form for consideration. Summer events may require more notice, due to a higher influx of requests. 

Any requests that are less than one week's notice cannot be guaranteed to be approved for our attendance.

Donation drop-offs can be made during any open hours at the front office of the shelter. If you would like a photo and to meet with someone from the shelter about your donation, please contact to schedule a time for your donation drop off.

Due to limited staff and resources, we cannot typically do donation pickups. We thank you for your understanding. If you have a special circumstance please let us know!

If you do not schedule an appointment, we cannot guarantee that someone will be able to meet with you at the time of your donation. Thank you in advance for understanding that this does not mean we are not appreciative of your donation but have limited staff and availability. Thank you so much for supporting the animals in need!